The Institute of Bankers of Zimbabwe

Get started with The IoBZ Bankers Diploma

Our Mission is provide education to current and future bankers to match the ever changing business environment.

What is a Bankers Diploma?

The Diploma in banking is a qualification in its own right which provides a firm knowledge base of financial issues. The program is designed to be relevant and practical and allows you to follow a specialist or more generalist route depending on your learning requirements.

Why IoBZ?

The Institute of Bankers of Zimbabwe (IOBZ) represents institutions of all sizes and types. IOBZ offers resources and expertise to help you succeed. There are 4 classes of members which are Fellow, Associate, Ordinary and  Affiliate.

What we teach at IoBZ.


Working together

At IoBZ we believe working together is a way for a company to create an efficient work environment as team members collaborate and share advice.


Being Bold

We believe one should always embrace ones flaws and learn to  understand ones  strengths. Discover who you are and flaunt it at IoBz.


Being Agile

We encourage you to always be thinking about a team. By conducting group project you will organise your own team and get some work done.


Building Resilience

IoBZ encourages you to successfully adapt to difficult or challenging life experiences. Withstand adversity and bounce back despite any downturns.


Building Trust

We teach you to always never go back on your word. If you promise to do something we expect you to follow through with your actions.


Bulding Empathy

We encourage you to see things from another’s perspective, sympathize with how they are feeling, and build stronger relationships.

Courses offered at IoBZ:

Certificate Level


Intermediate Level

Plus one Optional

Compulsory Course

Diploma Level

Choose three courses


IOBZ staff experts are the go-to source for bankers, policy makers and media for information and insights on the banking industry. If you have any questions we are ready and willing to come to your aid.